Challenges Worldwide and the Scottish Fair Trade Forum, alongside others, will be presenting on how Scottish support to strengthen Rwanda’s coffee sector are improving the lives and opportunities for coffee farming communities across Rwanda.
This talk will explore what the programme is doing, how Fair Trade is involved across the value chain, and what future opportunities there are for support Rwandan coffee farmers.
The key message of the presentation is to demonstrate the exciting work of a Scottish Gov. funded Rwandan Coffee Market Sector Strengthening programme, and highlight the opportunities that exist in the coffee sector between Scotland and Rwanda.
The presentation will cover three key areas:
Outline the background and context for the coffee project, what the project is doing to support cooperatives and wider communities, and what is being achieved.
Highlight the role Fair Trade is having in supporting the Rwandan coffee cooperatives, the farmers and wider communities in the programme; what supporting it means to us here in Scotland; and how Scotland’s love affair with Fairtrade and its principles influence trends within our nation’s thriving coffee market.
Discussing opportunities for sustainable market relationships between the Scottish coffee market and Rwandan cooperatives.
This presentation will take place in the Talks room at 2.30pm